Saturday, August 2, 2008

I Know I shouldn't... but making fun of yourself can be healthy

My wife gave me a plaque the other day, it read: 'LIVE SIMPLY, SO THAT OTHERS MAY SIMPLY LIVE...' words from Ghandi.

So, I will live the simple life. Helping people sell their homes and helping people fight foreclosure.

What they go through, I am going through myself... Actually I said to myself, you have to have lived it in order to understand and to help. (LOL)
Many of my investments aren't worth the money I owe to the bank, not to mention the downpayment that is vaporized.

Maybe I should do what I preach and just dump it all. Why throwing good money after bad money?

Anyway with all this in mind I want you to enjoy this funny song that I've picked up on Youtube.
As I said in the headline, we better laugh with it all.
Timothy, my partner in MonkeySold says... "Live and Learn."